Making Good Money With Nothing To Show For It?

You're In The Right Place.

I went from $40k debt to a millionaire at 30 by learning how money works, and now I teach others how it's done. Learn how to make more without working harder, save more without giving up what you love, and start investing with confidence.


Stop feeling like you’re falling behind

Start getting what you want in life

You’ve worked your ass off to get where you are.

You did what you were “supposed to”...

But now you’re sitting in your 9-5 with a crazy amount of student debt, wondering how the heck you’re ever going to get ahead. Everyone else seems to have it “figured out”, and you can’t help but feel resentful towards everyone on social media that are living the life you want.

The life you deserve, the life you worked so hard for.

You went to school, got the 9-5 and make what you thought was a good salary. You try to budget, but you never seem to make any long term progress.

Sometimes things get better for a month or two, but then an unexpected expense comes up…

  • Your car breaks down

  • Someone’s getting married

  • A trip you just can’t miss out on

And you're right back to freakin’ square one.

You don’t understand how everyone else seems to do it.

  • The gorgeous weddings

  • Buying their first home

  • Being financially stable enough to start having kids

You make good money, but you have nothing to show for it - and you don't understand why.

Girl, you're not alone!

I'm Ready to Take Control

Stop feeling like you’re falling behind

Start getting what you want in life

You’ve worked your ass off to get where you are.

You did what you were “supposed to”...

But now you’re sitting in your 9-5 with a crazy amount of student debt, wondering how the heck you’re ever going to get ahead. Everyone else seems to have it “figured out”, and you can’t help but feel resentful towards everyone on social media that are living the life you want.

The life you deserve, the life you worked so hard for.

You went to school, got the 9-5 and make what you thought was a good salary. You try to budget, but you never seem to make any long term progress.

Sometimes things get better for a month or two, but then an unexpected expense comes up…

  • Your car breaks down

  • Someone’s getting married

  • A trip you just can’t miss out on

And you're right back to freakin’ square one.

You don’t understand how everyone else seems to do it.

  • The gorgeous weddings

  • Buying their first home

  • Being financially stable enough to start having kids

You make good money, but you have nothing to show for it - and you don't understand why.

Girl, you're not alone!

I'm Ready to Take Control

Meet the No Budget Babe

Nicole Victoria

She made it her mission to help teach other women how to take control of their finances so they can finally start winning with money, and living the life of their dreams.


Nicole is a Money Coach and financial literacy advocate who specializes in helping 20 and 30 something women effortlessly manage their money + build bank accounts that never stop growing.


Nicole knew there had to be more to life than living in a perpetual cycle of having too much month left over at the end of her money, with 0 in the bank - so she got to work. She learned everything she could about personal finance, and was able to go from broke as a joke ($40,000 in debt with 0 dollars in savings) to a $500,000 net worth in a matter of years - and that's how the MAKIN' Money Moves process was born.


I was able to turn my entire life around WITHOUT sacrificing what I love, and WITHOUT a restrictive budget.

Nicole has increased her net worth by hundreds of thousands of dollars in a few short years

and she's made it her goal to help as many women as she can achieve a similar level of personal success and financial independence.

Let's back it up

Here's her story

I was living paycheck to paycheck, with $40,000 in student loans and no assets to call my own.


I kept watching people I knew moving forward in their lives. People I worked with that made the same salary I did buying houses. Paying for weddings. Having kids.


I kept blaming the outside world and refusing to give credit to people that seemed to have figured life out. IT WAS DIFFICULT AND CONFUSING AND HARD.

I thought, "There’s no way they could have done it by themselves if I was struggling like this"...

  • Their parents helped them

  • They’ve always had a lot of money

  • They live in an inexpensive city

But when I finally took an audit of my life [because I am BIG on self improvement], I realized that there was one constant in this situation

and it was me.

I kept playing the victim


Things were happening TO ME instead of BECAUSE OF ME


But when I finally made that realization, it’s like a radical shift happened.


I devoted the next few months to learning everything I could about money, finances, and personal success - and then I put my plans into action.

I’m sitting here just a couple years after this transformation

Debt free


[paid 40k in 18 months]

Married to the love of my life


[after a wedding we paid for in cash]

Living in our new home


[that I would NEVER have been able to afford before]

With our beautiful sons

All because I changed my relationship with money, through The MAKIN' MONEY MOVES Method.

  • And I’m not special.

  • I’m not different.

  • I didn’t have life handed to me on a silver platter.

I had to work my ass off to get where I am, and I’ve never been happier. 



  • You are worthy

  • You are abundant

  • You are capable

I’m here to share with you my secrets to getting what you want in life, without making more money or a budget that feels more restrictive than the Whole 30 Diet.

We've helped thousands of Babes through our programs... why not you? 



Check out this No Budget Babe review

Meet Lyndsay

Went from avoiding her finances to changing her entire life.

Meet Stevi

Went from relying on CCs to set up for the future.


"I was really stuck, I really never thought I would never be able to change the garbage situation that I was in and she [Nicole] made me see the light. I am forever so unconditionally grateful for that" Lyndsay is no longer avoiding her finances, changed her mindset, started investing and is now going for her dream opportunity in Florida!

“I don’t even know where I’d be without this program…I feel like such a bad a$$ as a woman in my 20s” Stevi is no longer relying on her credit card or scraping by. She was able to get out of the credit card cycle, build 6-month emergency fund savings, negotiate a 20% raise, start investing and finally feel confident with her financial future.

Meet Tijana

She now has the financial education to help her achieve her personal and professional goals!

Tijana had no personal finance background and thought that she'd be set for life once she made more money.


But she didn't see the financial success she'd hoped for when she started making more money.


After completing Making Money Moves, Tijana was able to:


🔥 Build a $4000 emergency fund from $0!

🔥 Paid off $2000 of high-interest debt in the first month!

🔥 Created a plan for yearly family vacations!

🔥 Created a plan to purchase a home within the next year!


We're so proud of Tijana for unlocking her Mega Money Babe status!


Check out this No Budget Babe review


Meet Lyndsay

Went from avoiding her finances to changing her entire life.

"I was really stuck, I really never thought I would never be able to change the garbage situation that I was in and she [Nicole] made me see the light. I am forever so unconditionally grateful for that" Lyndsay is no longer avoiding her finances, changed her mindset, started investing and is now going for her dream opportunity in Florida!


Meet Stevi

Went from relying on CCs to set up for the future.

“I don’t even know where I’d be without this program…I feel like such a bad a$$ as a woman in my 20s” Stevi is no longer relying on her credit card or scraping by. She was able to get out of the credit card cycle, build 6-month emergency fund savings, negotiate a 20% raise, start investing and finally feel confident with her financial future.


Meet Tijana

She now has the financial education to help her achieve her personal and professional goals!

Tijana had no personal finance background and thought that she'd be set for life once she made more money.


But she didn't see the financial success she'd hoped for when she started making more money.


After completing Making Money Moves, Tijana was able to:


🔥 Build a $4000 emergency fund from $0!

🔥 Paid off $2000 of high-interest debt in the first month!

🔥 Created a plan for yearly family vacations!

🔥 Created a plan to purchase a home within the next year!


We're so proud of Tijana for unlocking her Mega Money Babe status!

Do you ever feel...

  • So stressed out because you feel like you're falling behind in life

  • Confused because you make good money, but have nothing to show for it

  • Scared because you may look like you have it all together to the outside world, but on the inside you feel like it's falling apart

  • Annoyed because you keep buying shit that brings you further from your goals, and you want to know how to stop for good

  • Super overwhelmed by the thought of managing your money + finances

  • Like it's just easier to ignore what's happening than trying to make a plan to change

Imagine if...

  • You paid off your debts in full

  • Bought your dream home

  • Paid for your wedding in cash

  • Felt confident about money + your financial future

  • Felt excited at the thought of having kids, not worried about how you would ever pay for them

  • And had a bank account STACKED with money that worked harder than you do

If that sounds like you, then let's freaking go!


Private and group coaching with Nicole is a 3 month high level program that gives you the foundations to master your money + start building a bank account that never stops growing.


Apply to be considered for a spot in our next round.


In this program You'll get access to

All of this for a fraction of the price

*the goal for our programs is to have them pay you - our students have the opportunity to learn how to save + invest tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars.


Meet The Dream Team

The coaches who are going to teach you how to win with money + Build a bank account that never stops growing


Registered Social Worker, Psychotherapist, MSW, RSW

Nicole Victoria

Self Made Millionaire, Investor, Published Author & Money Coach


Do you feel seen? Girl, we got you.

You’ll learn Nicole's 7 step signature process [The MAKIN' MONEY MOVES Method] for success in hitting those life goals and setting yourself up for future wealth, and effortless money management.

Future Mega Money Babes, we're talking a TOTAL financial transformation. No quick fixes. No gimmicks. This program is HARD WORK, and it's not for the weak of heart. But if you want a solution to your finances once and for all so you can finally get what you want in life, this might just be the answer.

Let's help you master your money and build you a bank account that never stops growing!

Course content

8 life changing money modules, packed with trainings to help you become a rich b*tch

Homework lessons to help you implement what you've learned

Support and personalized coaching from Nicole and her team


The day you sign up with us is the day your journey starts. In our pre-work we teach you how to effortlessly add thousands of dollars back into your pockets with ease.

We know that teaching you how to save money is important, but it's also important to learn how to add MORE money into the pot (without working overtime or taking on a second job). We teach you our tried and true strategies for negotiating a big baller raise, out-of-this-world bonuses, and higher-than-imagined starting salaries (to meet you wherever you're at).

Our goal with the our coaching is for you to make the investment back that you made into the program thousands of times over in your life, and this is how we start to deliver.

The Financial Un-Diet

Before we get into changing your life, we need to dispel all the money myths you've been fed. There is so much noise out there when it comes to finances, so we teach you exactly what you need to focus on to start winning NOW. Using these new money rules you'll be able to start putting more back in your pocket (without restriction), and growing your wealth (without working harder).

  • Get the exact scripts and steps to negotiate a raise and finally get paid your worth!
  • Learn how to set up a high-yield savings account for an emergency fund!
  • Find out how to get your partner on board with your goals, and how to have a financially secure relationship!
  • Discover how to reduce your fixed costs every month, banking more of that moolah!
  • Find out how to fix your credit score for good! Including applying for certain credit cards, tricks to keeping your scores high, and more!
  • Find out if balance transfer cards should be used to manage debt and interest rates
  • And so much more!



What we believe about money becomes all the results we will have with money in our lives. In this module we re-frame the way you think about money so you can start to use it in ways that get you to your life goals.

  • Learn how to stay locked in the growth mindset, so your money is always working for you!

  • Find out what your “money blocks” can be - the limiting beliefs to you making more money!

  • Find out which “Money Script” is running your life, and could be sabotaging your success in the background!



Ever wonder why you KNOW what you should do, but just can't seem to actually do it? We break it down in this module so you can stop self sabotaging and break your bad money habits that are keeping you away from what you truly want.

  • Discover how to end the self-sabotage for good!

  • Learn what little things you say to yourself or think that are actually acting AGAINST you!

  • Find out how to replace negative behaviors, thoughts, and language patterns so you can upgrade your life immediately!



In this module we walk you through the entire process of figuring out what your dream life looks like in such detail that it becomes the tool we use to map out your road to success. We can't figure out where we're going if we don't actually know


Then we'll help you learn the right money strategies that will help you hit your money and life goals in record time.

  • Discover how to turn your BIG goals and dreams into reality by turning them into concrete, daily actionable items...

  • Find out how to permanently and forever move toward your goals by changing your habits and routines!

  • Learn how to successfully and consistently set and achieve goals (this little technique makes it so easy that your goals almost complete themselves!)

  • Plus so much more!



We know where we want to go, but before we can set out on our financial journey, we need to understand where we've been. We take a deep dive look into your finances to find out where all that "missing money" has been going - then redirect it into places that bring you the most happiness (and wealth).

  • In this module, we're going to get into the nitty gritty of financial management...

  • You'll find out your real hourly wage (hint: it's probably not what you think)

  • Find out how much $$$ has entered our lives...

  • Determine how much of it is assets...

  • How much of it are liabilities...

  • And how to use that information to boost your net worth!



It's time to put all the pieces together and create a customized financial plan to take you from feeling left behind to thriving like the boss babe you are. We will help you learn about the best investments for your goals, and how to get your bank account working harder than you do.

  • In this module, we're going to start talking about investing... Mutual funds, Index funds, ETFs, stocks, bonds and GICS (Canada) / CDs (USA).

  • Learn how to invest...

  • What investments and accounts are right for each goal

  • What to do when the stock market crashes

  • How not to lose money, but instead become a rich b*tch who gets paid while she sleeps

  • How risk, reward, and time are related (Vanguard study)

  • And more!



Not knowing how to talk about money is keeping us broke, segregated, and paid less than we're worth. We'll go over exactly what you need to understand so you can talk about money + get it working for you.

  • In this module, we close out the program by giving you all the language and terminology needed to keep succeeding with your financial goals!

  • Discover how to put financial boundaries in place...

  • Find out the next steps to your financial future...

And SO MUCH MORE, including guest trainings, access to a licensed therapist with monthly Mindset Masterminds, weekly coaching calls with Nicole and team, a private student group for support between calls, mini courses, downloadables, spreadsheets... basically everything you need to take your life from broke to ballin'.

Apply To Join Us Inside

Makin' Money Moves!

... This is an exclusive invite for you!!!

  • 3 Month Coaching Program
  • Group Calls With Nicole Victoria and team
  • Monthly Mindset Mastermind with Licensed Therapist
  • Support Material
  • Wealth Accelerator Tools
  • Community With Other Empowered Women
Apply To Be Considered For A Spot!

Testimonials from our Mega Money Babes

Meet Rashiqah: now on the path to early retirement in the next 10-15 years.  


"Nicole’s three month coaching program provided me with the skills, knowledge and mindset to learn how to manage my money effectively for my future self. Her program is life changing as it really made me reflect on what’s important to me and recognize my self sabotaging habits. Being coached by Nicole made a great impact on my journey to gain control over my financials and live a life that has my money working for me!"

Some of Rashiqah's big wins:
  • On her way to be able to work part time by late next year and focus my time investing in herself (based on savings and investments)
  • Purchasing a new home in the next 3 years (in addition to her other 2 properties)
  • Saving hundreds per month to invest in index funds and stocks (which will help fund an early retirement)
  • Saving for a 3-4 month trip to south east Asia (she has the time and money to spend on things that bring her true joy)
  • On the path to be financially independent in the next 10-15 years (AKA early retirement. Ps. She's in her 20s)

Meet Sonia: now saving $2,500 a month, and locking in her millionaire status in her 20s.

 "I'm now able to buy a home in less than a year, when home ownership wasn't even on my radar before this program - I thought it was a distant dream." - Sonia

 *Sonia is star student turned star Co-Coach and has joined the No Budget Babe team to help our Babes reach their full potential

Meet Emily: Increased her net worth by $7,000 in 3 months.

"This course was a game changer. During just the first month of the course, I cut a $3000 credit card bill down to $0 and I kept it at $0!

While paying down my debt, I also increased my savings by $4000 since September. I also started investing in the stock market.

I would rather have money in my accounts for my true goals than things! Overall, I loved it and the ideals it gave me."

Testimonials from our Mega Money Babes

Meet Rashiqah: now on the path to early retirement in the next 10-15 years.  

"Nicole’s three month coaching program provided me with the skills, knowledge and mindset to learn how to manage my money effectively for my future self. Her program is life changing as it really made me reflect on what’s important to me and recognize my self sabotaging habits. Being coached by Nicole made a great impact on my journey to gain control over my financials and live a life that has my money working for me!"

Some of Rashiqah's big wins:
  • On her way to be able to work part time by late next year and focus my time investing in herself (based on savings and investments)
  • Purchasing a new home in the next 3 years (in addition to her other 2 properties)
  • Saving hundreds per month to invest in index funds and stocks (which will help fund an early retirement)
  • Saving for a 3-4 month trip to south east Asia (she has the time and money to spend on things that bring her true joy)
  • On the path to be financially independent in the next 10-15 years (AKA early retirement. Ps. She's in her 20s)

Meet Sonia: now saving $2,500 a month, and locking in her millionaire status in her 20s.

 "I'm now able to buy a home in less than a year, when home ownership wasn't even on my radar before this program - I thought it was a distant dream." - Sonia

 *Sonia is star student turned star Co-Coach and has joined the No Budget Babe team to help our Babes reach their full potential

Meet Emily: Increased her net worth by $7,000 in 3 months.

"This course was a game changer. During just the first month of the course, I cut a $3000 credit card bill down to $0 and I kept it at $0!

While paying down my debt, I also increased my savings by $4000 since September. I also started investing in the stock market.

I would rather have money in my accounts for my true goals than things! Overall, I loved it and the ideals it gave me."

Want To Read And Listen To Other Success Stories?

Click Here To Listen To More...

Are you ready to become confident with money + wildly grow your bank account?


Jump into our high level coaching program.

Clients invited to work with Nicole are able to learn the foundations to start saving and investing tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Are you ready to make the investment into yourself + start realizing your dreams?


Can't afford to get your finances in order?

What if you can't afford not to? Try this exercise:

  1. How long have you been feeling stuck
  2. How much do you make per year
  3. Multiply the number of years by your income
  4. This is the total amount of dollars that has come into your life since you've been feeling stuck...
  5. What do you have to show for it?

Make the investment into yourself and start getting everything you've ever wanted. Money gets to be easy, and you get to have the life you've always wanted.


Don't Wait On This!!!

Your Bank Account (And Your Future Self!) Will Thank You When You Finally Get Your Finances In Order...  You're So Close To Living Life On Your Own Terms!

We've helped our students change their entire lives in 3 months... why not you?


Let's GET IT!

Frequently Asked Questions